The first meeting - project start

by | Jun 25, 2024 | From the engine room

On 3 May 2024, we met in person for the first time to launch our joint project "Success factors of local eParticipation". This meeting was the prelude to a promising journey in which we want to investigate and improve the effectiveness of eParticipation measures in municipalities. Here are the main highlights and results of our first meeting.

The aims of the project

Our main objective is to gain a comprehensive overview of the various eParticipation offerings in German municipalities. We want to find out which criteria and conditions determine the success of such measures and analyse selected case studies in more detail. In doing so, we hope to gain valuable insights that can serve as orientation for other municipalities.

First steps and tasks

One of our first tasks was to develop a preliminary working definition of eParticipation. This definition describes eParticipation as a technology-supported process of consultation, deliberation, decision-making and monitoring in which there is active interaction between citizens and the implementing institution. By our next online meeting on 31 May 2024, we will further refine this definition and research additional conditions for success.

Model development and important context factors

Another focus of our meeting was the development of a model for data collection. This model is based on previous research and should help us to identify the success factors from the perspective of both the municipalities and the citizens. We also identified important contextual factors such as settlement structure, income, education, age, business density and unemployment, which will be included in our analyses.


Methodological approach and questionnaire design

We have had intensive discussions about the methodology of our survey. A central survey platform is being developed to ensure standardised data collection. The questionnaire should cover all relevant research questions without being too extensive. A pre-test group will help to check the suitability of the questionnaire and ensure that it is easy to understand and user-friendly.

Communication and advisory boards

For external communication, we have decided to use the full project name to ensure clarity and recognition. Our project website will serve as a central point of contact, supplemented by regular updates on social media platforms and a newsletter. We are also planning to set up a practical and a scientific advisory board to support us with their expertise.


The kick-off meeting was an important first step towards the successful realisation of the "Success factors for local eParticipation" project. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to work on the basics and develop initial models. We are looking forward to the upcoming developments and the valuable insights we will gain together.
