About the project
Our project is dedicated to the first Germany-wide survey of digital participation processes at municipal level. The aim is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the various participation models and to analyse their potential uses, challenges and success factors. Based on the data and findings obtained, we are developing a multimodal digital dashboard that serves as a central source of information and clearly visualises the various participation models.
This tool is designed to help municipalities organise their participation processes more effectively and strengthen citizen participation in the long term. Our research helps to promote digital transformation in local politics and contribute to strengthening democracy.
Why a dashboard?
Our project is dedicated to the first Germany-wide survey of digital participation processes at municipal level. The aim is not only to collect data, but also to process it in a meaningful way and make it usable. This is where our innovative, multimodal digital dashboard comes into play.
The dashboard is more than just a visualisation platform. It is a central source of information that offers local authorities and providers of digital participation formats numerous advantages. By clearly visualising the collected data, the dashboard enables quick and efficient access to relevant information.
Municipalities can use the dashboard to compare their own participation processes with those of others, identify best practices and optimise their offerings in a targeted manner. This not only promotes dialogue and networking between different stakeholders, but also contributes to the development of a more connected and informed community.
The dashboard creates transparency and supports well-founded decisions on the design and implementation of digital participation processes. It is continuously updated to reflect the latest data and trends, which ensures its long-term relevance.
By helping local authorities to improve their digital participation offerings, the dashboard strengthens local democracy. Optimised and more accessible participation formats give citizens more opportunities to get actively involved in decision-making processes.
Unser Projekt leistet somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur digitalen Transformation und zur Förderung von inklusiven und engagierten lokalen Gemeinschaften. Entdecken Sie, wie unser Dashboard die digitale Partizipation auf ein neues Niveau hebt und Ihre Kommune dabei unterstützt, die Demokratie vor Ort zu stärken.
Our primary research questions
Our research into digital participation formats is focussed on three overarching research questions.
Research question 1: What range of online municipal participation procedures exist?
Investigation level: Macro level
This question aims to conduct a systematic review of existing eParticipation procedures in German municipalities. At the macro level, the general structures and framework conditions under which these procedures are implemented are analysed. This includes aspects such as the size of the municipality, the financial situation, broadband expansion and the legal framework.
Research question 2: What are the criteria/goals of successful participation from the perspective of municipal providers?
Investigation level: Meso-level
This question deals with the perspectives and objectives of municipal providers of online participation processes. At the meso level, the organisational and institutional conditions that characterise successful participation procedures are examined. This includes financial, human and technical resources, the degree of institutionalisation of participation procedures as well as integration into networks and cooperation with service providers.
What are the supply-side conditions for successful participation at the macro, meso and micro levels (contextual conditions)?
Levels of investigation: Macro, meso and micro level
This comprehensive question aims to identify the conditions and factors which contribute to the success of eParticipation procedures at various levels. At the micro level, the attitudes of the stakeholders (administration, citizens, economic players) are analysed, in particular with regard to their acceptance of and competence in technology, their experience with participation procedures and their motivation to participate. The meso level looks at the internal organisational resources and structures, while the macro level analyses the external framework conditions.